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The benefits of Stainless Steel

NERO Pipeline Connections is a market leading distributor of stainless pipeline products throughout the UK and has been leading the field for the last 30 years. In our latest blog, we look at the advantages of stainless steel and why it's such a revolutionary product.


  1. Sustainability

One key advantage that hasn't had a lot of attention until recently is that stainless steel is a highly sustainable material. It is 100% recyclable in its original form - it can be repurposed should it cease to serve its original function. 

  1. Resilience

Stainless steel pipe is extremely corrosion resistant. In the early development, the addition of chromium was the key component that gave stainless steel this quality and was seen as the major breakthrough in its development. Stainless steel has evolved hugely since then with many grades available. 


  1. Sanitation and Hygiene

Stainless steel is an extremely hygienic material due to the fact that it is extremely easy to clean and sanitise. It’s non-porous surface is also smooth which means that bacteria struggle to adhere to it and when there is any degree of adhesion, can be easily wiped clean. Stainless Steel is used frequently in kitchens, hospitals, laboratories and factories.


  1. Strength

Stainless steel is highly durable, largely because it has a low susceptibility to brittleness at high and low temperatures. This means that the material will retain its shape for most of it's lifespan and resist wide changes in temperature and conditions.


If you have any further questions regarding our stainless steel pipeline products, then get in touch with the specialist team at NERO today

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